How to become
Omniya Ambassadors
To download the application, register with it and participate. To contribute to spreading awarness towards the same goal in his area, be effective, and we are constantly following up on his performance. Each region is entitled to have more than one ambassador.

A special project for Omniya application to collect plastic is about appointing ambassadors in resedential areas. Every producer of plastic waste is responsible for it. When we cooperate together, we sort it from the source, collect it, download the application and record what is delivered to one of our containers that are available in 52 locations in all governates of Kuwait. Every person, starting from the age of 12, of all nationalities, can be an ambassador of Omniya in his residential area.
Where & When?
This project applies to all regions of the state of Kuwait. We started this project in April 2023, and the first Omniya ambassador was appointed in the Abdullah Al-Salem residential area in May 2023
Apply For Ambassador
Do you want to be Omniya Ambassador? fill your information below